
Introducing #FOREeveryone.

Led by The R&A and supported by the National Golf Associations (NGAs) and The Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) across GB&I, #FOREeveryone has been launched to get more women and girls involved in golf, at all levels of the sport.

Whether new to the game, or rediscovering it, the #FOREeveryone campaign highlights all the benefits of golf, provides advice on how to get involved and showcases the changes being made to welcome more women and girls to the sport.


Who is The R&A?

We work around the globe to benefit the sport of golf.

As the governing body of the game everywhere outside of the USA and Mexico, we’re bringing together our partners, expertise and resources to help get more women and girls involved.

To find out more about The R&A, please click here.


Who are the National Golf Associations and The PGA?

The campaign is supported on the ground by the National Golf Associations (NGAs) of GB&I; England Golf, Golf Ireland, Wales Golf and Scottish Golf, as well as The Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA).

Each of these organisations work to benefit golf and golfers in their own areas, including running programmes to help get more women and girls into the sport.

Get Inspired

Check out these inspiring stories from women and girls who are both new to the game and returning golfers.